
To apply for a Louisiana Economic Development Incentive, create an account or log in.

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External Reviewers

FASTLANE allows state-wide interoperability and Board of Commerce and Industry access.

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LED Managers are responsible for processing all incentive forms and project tracking.

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FASTLANE Next Generation (FASTLANE) is the web-based system that manages Louisiana’s business incentive programs that are approved by the Board of Commerce and Industry. The FASTLANE website is a secure online interface that allows applicants to electronically send data directly to Louisiana Economic Development. It is designed for individual applicants managing one company or consultants who manage multiple companies’ data.

Available Incentives

The following Business and Entertainment Incentives are available:

  • Enterprise Zone
  • Industrial Tax Exemption
  • Quality Jobs
  • Restoration Tax Abatement
  • Digital Interactive Media and Software Tax Credit
  • Motion Picture Production Tax Credit
  • State Trade Expansion Program

State-wide interoperablity.

FASTLANE enables State Agencies and Local Governing Authorities to access incentive project data.

Parish Assessors

Parish Assessors can access investment data which is used to correctly assess the value of a project in the parish.

Louisiana Workforce Commission

The Louisiana Workforce Commission can access project data to verify that applicants are identified and in good standing with the State of Louisiana.

Louisiana Department of Revenue

The Louisiana Department of Revenue can access project data to verify that applicants are current and in good financial standing with the State of Louisiana.

Local Governing Authorities

Local Governing Authorities can access project data to verify that applicants are in good standing and give approval for projects within their area.

Need Assistance?

For assistance contact Louisiana Economic Development at (225)342-3000.

FASTLANE Help Center